At All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery Cemetery your departed loved ones are cared for. Before every Divine Liturgy, our clergy commemorate all those who lie asleep in the cemetery and the sisters commemorate those who lie asleep in the cemetery in their daily prayers.

The cemetery is located in a natural rural setting near the entrance of the monastery.
The cemetery is professionally maintained, and perpetual maintenance is guaranteed through an irrevocable Perpetual Maintenance Fund.
The cemetery is normally open 365 days per year, sunrise to sunset, and is operated by the sisterhood of All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery. Prayers and memorial services may be arrange by contacting the monastery.
Traditionally Orthodox cemeteries are located adjacent to an Orthodox Church Temple. Like the Temple, the cemetery is consecrated, sanctified, and made holy. An Orthodox cemetery is an extension of the Church Temple. All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery Cemetery is sacred ground that lies on the property of the monastery. It is a place where all those who have fallen asleep lie together in hope, like those worshipping in the Church, facing east awaiting the second Coming of our Lord.
Annually, on the Saturday of Souls, Memorial Day, and the Sunday after Pascha the nuns gather in the cemetery to celebrate a Memorial service for all the departed.
The cemetery is an extension of the local worshiping community. It is a holy place, a place of peace and rest, where we await our Lord’s glorious return and our own resurrection.
General Rules & Regulations
In order to preserve the dignity, peaceful, and spiritual setting of All Saints Greek Orthodox Cemetery, the following rules have been established:
- The cemetery is normally open from 9am to 6pm 365 days per year.
- Only body remains are permitted for burial No cremated remains will be interred.
- All gravesites will be marked with a Byzantine styled cross as soon as possible following interment. Inscriptions with the name, date of birth and date of death will be accurately inscribed on the cross grave marker in Greek or English per request of the deceased or his/her family.
- The permanent cross grave marker will be placed at the head of the grave, which is the west side of the grave and will accurately depict the name of the person interred.
- Concrete burial vaults are required for all interments. No metals are permitted.
- In order to maintain the grounds, no trees, bushes, flowerpots, or other types of permanent decorations are permitted. However, temporary wreaths and cut flowers are permitted. All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery assumes no responsibility whatsoever for grave decorations or for their upkeep.
- A non-Orthodox Christian married to an Orthodox Christian may be admitted for burial together with his/her spouse. No other religions are permitted burial.
- Only Orthodox Christian clergy may officiate religious services at the cemetery.
- All plots are non-transferable. Money paid for unused plots will not be refunded.
- Plots for clergy and their family will be located in a designated clergy section.
- Memorial services for those interred in the cemetery will be held every year on: first Saturday of Souls of Great Lent; the Sunday after Pascha; US Memorial Day. Additionally, those interred will be commemorated in the daily prayers of the monastics.
- There will be no interments on Sundays or Holy Days.
- A Certificate of Interment Rights will only be issued when Plot Fees are paid in full.